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Acrylic Powder Cover Natural

Acrylic Powder Cover Natural 30 g for nail sculpting
Hema Free

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Medium setting acrylic powder - natural cover

Acrylic Powder Cover Natural is an extra-fine acrylic powder with a medium curing speed, which is used in combination with a monomer to make very strong nail sculptures.

It is an antique pink colouring powder. It is opaque and maintains colour stability over time.

Acrylic Powder Cover Natural cures naturally in air, without the need for a curing UV lamp, and is ideal for warmer climates as it does not develop any heat.

Acrylic method: powder + monomer

With the acrylic method, nail sculptures are performed by combining an acrylic liquid (monomer) and an acrylic powder (polymer).

The combination of these two products generates a modelling substance that can be worked for about 25-30 seconds, depending on the amount of product used, the environment and body temperature. It hardens in the air after 3-4 minutes, creating a solid, resistant layer.

The mixture must be worked with firm but gentle movements, using the tip and side of a Kolinsky brush designed specifically for applying acrylic.

Durable and long-lasting constructions

Acrylic construction allows natural nail coverings and structural extensions to be created without developing heat easy to create using Nail Form, Dual Form and DualTip.
It is also possible to create small extensions without Nail Form, a useful feature in the case of onychophagia.

Coloured acrylic nail powder can also be used to create 3D nail art.

The high quality of our acrylic nail art products guarantees an excellent processing time of up to 4 weeks.

Made in: United States




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